Channel: Vardhaman Deshpande
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Microsoft Teams messaging extensions: User authentication, OAuth and Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Teams messaging extensions allow us to enhance teams messages with business data. We are able to fetch information (e.g. from Microsoft Graph or 3rd party APIs) based on various factors like the current user, current team or current channel and post it as part of a message using rich Adaptive cards.

This gives us a great way of creating Teams based integrations with other Line of Business (LOB) applications.

I won't go much deeper into the different possibilities with messaging extensions in this post. Instead, we will focus more on how they are built and how to authenticate the current user.

To know more about messaging extensions, have a look at the Microsoft docs:

Teams messaging extension architecture:

The way in which the messaging extensions work is by leveraging the Microsoft Bot Framework and utilising the following moving pieces:

1) A Bot Channel Registration which is essentially the identity of the Bot/Messaging extension. We need this to get the Bot Id and also to set "Microsoft Teams" as one of the channels served by the bot.

2) An endpoint which will receive (and respond to) HTTP POST messages from teams when the messaging extension commands are invoked.

3) A Teams App Manifest which contains the JSON specifying the messaging extension properties, the Bot  Id, and the messaging endpoint.

Those are the primary building blocks of a Teams messaging extension (or even a Teams Chat Bot for that matter, but that's out of scope for this post)

To see a walk-through of building a messaging extension from scratch, check out Cameron Dwyer's post: https://camerondwyer.com/2019/09/09/how-to-create-a-microsoft-teams-messaging-extension-pop-up-dialog-with-a-custom-ui/

Fetching data from Microsoft Graph as the current user (delegated authentication)

This is how the sign in flow will look. The user will have to sign in only once into the app. After that, the token flow (including the access tokens and refresh tokens) will be handled by the Bot Framework.

The user is prompted to sign in the first time they launch the compose messaging extension. After the sign in is completed, the messaging extension is able to show "security trimmed" data from the Graph. In this case, it's the groups the current user has joined:

Now let's see how we can leverage the Microsoft Graph in our messaging extensions. Before fetching data from the Graph, we will need an Azure AD OAuth token for the current user in Teams. To get the token flow working, first we need to create and Azure AD App Registration and give it necessary permissions:

Next, we need to create and configure the Bot Channel Registration:

Next, create and configure an OAuth Connection Setting in the Bot Channel Registration. The Client Id, Client Secret and Tenant Id should come from the AAD App Registration created in the previous step.

And here is the code to include in the Bot which handles the AAD sign in flow of the user. I am using the Bot Framework v4 for this Bot:

This code will fetch you the access token needed for calling the Graph. After that you can use the Graph SDK to get the required data:

Hope this was helpful. Given the complexity of Microsoft Teams development at this time, this post wasn't as comprehensive as I wanted it to be. There are challenges to getting everything to work together including Bot Framework v4, Teams Bot Builder (preview), Adaptive Cards and Messaging extensions. Hope the story becomes much simpler in the future.

Getting anonymous thumbnails of SharePoint Online files with Microsoft Graph

If you are developing an application based on the Microsoft 365 platform which also uses files stored in SharePoint Online, chances are that you might want to make the file thumbnails available on a device (or client) without going through SharePoint authentication. It could be a mobile app or Microsoft Teams app which needs to show the thumbnails. In these cases, the end user has already signed into the app so might not be a good idea to ask them to sign in again to access files stored in SharePoint.

One thing which comes to mind straight away is to use the Data URLs of the thumbnail images. But data URLs can get fairly big as they are just the base 64 representation of the images. Also, if you have large images and you need to display a lot of them at the same time, the data travelling over the wire to your device can get fairly big.

Fortunately, the Microsoft Graph provides a great way to get the thumbnail of a file. It is also provided as an anonymously accessible link (which expires in 1 hour) so we don't have to worry about the user having to sign in again to SharePoint. More details on Microsoft docs:

This approach works for getting the thumbnails of any type of file stored in SharePoint Online. But in this post, I am going to focus only on modern pages.

First, let's see how the code for this looks in the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK:

This code translates to the following Graph REST API call:

and the response:
(click to zoom)

The thumbnail url returned here can be used on any device, app or Adaptive Card to display the image without the need for authenticating to SharePoint. But bear in mind that this image url is only valid for 1 hour as there is an Azure AD access token attached to it. After that you might have to request a new url by making the same Microsoft Graph call.

Hope this helps!

Building a Microsoft Teams Bot: Get Team context details including Office 365 Group and SharePoint site url

The Microsoft Bot Framework v4.6 was released this week at Ignite and it's got some really great additions:

One thing which I am very happy about is that building Bots for Microsoft Teams has become way easier now!

This wasn't always the case. Previously, the Bot Framework was separate to the Teams Bot Builder and they both didn't play nice all the time. Throw in more stuff like Bot Framework v3/v4, Messaging extensions, Adaptive Cards and it lead to tweets like this:

But now, the Teams Bot Builder is part of the the Bot Framework SDK itself which is very good news. If you are just getting started building Bots for Microsoft Teams, you only need to install the Bot Framework package. Apart from that, the code to work with Microsoft Teams has been simplified as well.

Imagine you are building a Teams Bot and it needs to interact with the Office 365 Group which underpins the Team. Or maybe the Bot needs to store or retrieve some data from the SharePoint site associated with the Team. Let's see how easy it is now to achieve this:

Before we look at the code, make sure you are using the Microsoft.Bot.Builder 4.6+ version of packages in your Bot:


We will also need the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK:

And here is the code:

We are using the new TeamsInfo class available in the Bot Framework to get the current team details. This class also has a few other helper methods which you might find useful:

Internally the TeamsInfo.GetTeamDetailsAsyncmethod calls the `/v3/teams/{team-id}` API endpoint to get the Office 365 Group id (a.k.a AADGroupId in the API). We can then use the Microsoft Graph API to get the other details including the SharePoint site url.

Hope this helps! For more details on building bots for Microsoft Teams, have a look at the official docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/create-a-bot-for-teams

SharePoint Framework Web Part and Property Pane Lifecycles

I was working on a SharePoint Framework webpart, especially on the property pane, and needed to understand when the SPFx WebPart lifecycle methods are executed. Specifically, the order in which they are fired.

I tried searching for this but couldn't find much information, so thought of creating this post as it might be helpful for other who might be looking for it.

The Microsoft docs on these methods/APIs are fairly extensive and they give a good overview of what each method does:

What is missing though is the order in which these methods are fired. So this post should serve as a nice complement to the docs.

I should mention that this post only focuses on the native SPFx lifecycle methods. If you are creating an SPFx webpart with React for example, the react lifecycle is out of scope for this post as there is loads of information available already on the interwebs.

SPFx webpart method execution order:

When loading the web part on a page, the methods are fired in the following order:

1) protected onAfterDeserialize(deserializedObject: any, dataVersion: Version): TProperties;

2) protected onInit(): Promise<void>;

3) protectedrender(): void;

4) protected onBeforeSerialize(): void;

When the web part is removed from a page, the methods are fired in the following order:

1) protected onDispose(): void;

SPFx webpart property pane method execution order:

Opening the property pane:

1) protected loadPropertyPaneResources(): Promise<void>

2) protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration;

3) protected onPropertyPaneRendered(): void;

4) protected onPropertyPaneConfigurationStart(): void;

Updating the properties in the property pane:

The SPFx property pane can be set in either the reactive mode or in a non-reactive mode:

"Reactive implies that changes made in the PropertyPane are transmitted to the web part instantly and the user can see instant updates. This helps the page creator get instant feedback and decide if they should keep the new configuration changes or not.

NonReactive implies that the configuration changes are transmitted to the web part only after "Apply" PropertyPane button is clicked."

When in reactive mode, if any property is changed, the methods are fired in the following order:

1) protected onPropertyPaneFieldChanged(propertyPath: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;

2) protected render(): void;

3) protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration;

4) protected onPropertyPaneRendered(): void;

5) protected onPropertyPaneConfigurationComplete(): void;

When in non-reactive mode, if any property is changed, the methods are fired in the following order:

1) protected onPropertyPaneFieldChanged(propertyPath: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;

2) protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration;

3) protected onPropertyPaneRendered(): void;

When in non-reactive mode, after clicking on the "Apply" button, the methods are fired in the following order:

1) protected onAfterPropertyPaneChangesApplied(): void;

2) protected render(): void;

3) protected onPropertyPaneConfigurationComplete(): void;

4) protected onPropertyPaneRendered(): void;

When the property pane is closed by clicking on the "X" button

1) protected onPropertyPaneConfigurationComplete(): void;

Hope you found the post helpful! Let me know if I might have missed any. Would love to update this post in the future.

Create Microsoft Teams manifest manually for Personal app powered by SPFx

SPFx 1.10 was released recently which now includes support for Teams personal apps. Catch the announcement here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/blogs/announcing-sharepoint-framework-1-10-extending-sharepoint-framework-across-microsoft-365/

To deploy a personal app with an SPFx package, you have the option of deploying the package to the SharePoint tenant app catalog and clicking on the "Sync to Teams" button which then makes the app available in Teams as shown here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/integrate-with-teams-introduction

But what if you are coming at it from the Teams app point of view? You already have a Teams app with a bot or a messaging extension and want to add the SPFx powered personal app to it. You probably don't want to use the "Sync to Teams" option in this case because then your SPFx web-part will be available as a separate app in the Teams app catalog.

Fortunately, it's very simple to define a staticTab in the Teams manifest which points to the SPFx webpart. This then makes the SPFx webpart available as a teams personal app:

Notice the teams and personal query string parameters as they are very important. You will also have to replace the component id with the id of your web-part.

I have also updated the official MS Docs with this approach:

Thanks to my colleague Jarbas for working with me in figuring out this one!

SPFx: Using React hooks to globally share service scope between components

In my previous posts, I have written quite a few times about SharePoint Framework service scopes (I will add links at the end of the article). In short, Service Scopes are the SPFx implementation of the Service Locator pattern i.e. a single shared "dictionary" where services (either oob SPFx or custom) are registered and can be consumed from any component in the application.

For example, without using service scopes, if we wanted to make a call to the Microsoft Graph (using MSGraphClient) from within a deeply nested react component, either we would have to pass in the SPFx context down all the components in the tree, or maybe a create a custom service which returns the web part context, and then call that service from within our nested component. Or maybe use redux to globally maintain the context in a single state object.

But with all these approaches (there may be more), testing the components would be difficult as they would have a dependency on the SPFx context which is hard to mock. Waldek Mastykarz has a great post on this.

Also, from a maintenance point of view, it could get tricky as almost all our components would start to depend on the entire context and we could easily loose track of which specific service from the context is needed by the component.

Now with my previous posts on service scopes, even though we were removing the dependency on the SPFx context, one issue still remained that the SPFx service scope was still needed to be passed into the component. We were just replacing the SPFx context with the SPFx service scopes. While this was good from a testing point of view, it wasn't great for maintainability.

Fortunately, in the recent versions of SPFx, React 16.8+ was supported which means that we can take advantage of React hooks. Specifically, the useContext hook. This gives us a very straightforward way to store the SPFx service scope in the global react context (which is different to the SPFx context) and then consume it from any component in our application no matter how deeply nested it is.

Let's see how to achieve this. In these code samples, I am using SPFx v1.10 which is the latest version at the time of writing.

1) The Application Context object

First, we need to create the React application context object which will be used to store and consume the service scope. For now I am only storing the serviceScope in the context. Other values can be stored here as well.

2) React Higher Order Component (HOC)

React hooks can only be used from functional components and not classes. With the SPFx generator creating classes by default and hooks being fairly new, I am sure there is a lot of code out there already which use classes and not functional components. Changing all code to use functional components instead of classes is a non-starter.

Fortunately, there is a way to use react hooks with classes by creating a Higher Order Component (HOC) which is a functional component. We can wrap all our class components with this HOC and safely consume the useContext hook from within this component.

(Update: If you are interested in going down the "full hooks" approach and doing away entirely with classes, Garry Trinder has got you covered. He has created a fork which only uses functional components and hooks so we don't need the HOC. If you want to take this approach, check out the code here: https://github.com/garrytrinder/spfx-servicescopes-hooks)

3) SPFx web part 

Next, we update our SPFx webpart to only pass in the serviceScope once to our top level component:

4) Top level React component 

Our top level component will need to be wrapped with the AppContext so that any nested component will be able to consume it. This just needs to be done once on the top level react component. You will notice that the HelloUser child component does not need any props passed in.

5) Child component  

Due to the Higher Order component and the useContext hook, we are able to access the serviceScope property from withing the child component. We can grab the MSGraphClient from the serviceScope and start making calls to the Graph:

And that's it! This way, we can use the React useContext hook to globally share our SPFx service scope.

Hopefully you have found this post helpful! All code is added in the GitHub repo here: https://github.com/vman/spfx-servicescopes-hooks

Also, if you are interested, here are all my previous articles on SPFx service scopes:

SharePoint Framework: Org Chart web part using Office UI Fabric, React, OData batching and Service scopes

Getting the current context (SPHttpClient, PageContext) in a SharePoint Framework Service

Service Locator pattern in SPFx: Using Service Scopes

Service Locator pattern in SPFx: Using nested scopes to work with multiple components

Microsoft Bot Framework v4: Send proactive messages to Teams channels and users

What is a Bot Framework Proactive message?

Usually, for starting a conversation with a Microsoft Teams bot, the user has to initiate the conversation either by sending a personal message to the bot, or by mentioning the bot in a Teams channel or by invoking a messaging extension.

With proactive messaging, the bot can start a conversation with a user (or in a Teams channel) without anyone having to invoke the bot first. This conversation can be started based on any custom logic fit for your application e.g. The occurrence of  an external event, or a webhook getting triggered or even on a scheduled periodical basis.

More about Bot Framework proactive messages here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-howto-proactive-message?view=azure-bot-service-4.0&tabs=csharp

I should mention that the bot will first need to be installed in the Team, if you want to send a proactive message to a Teams channel, or to the users who are part of that team.

How to send proactive messages?

So in this post, let's look at a few code samples which make it very easy for our Teams Bot to send proactive messages to users or channels in a Team.

These code samples are based on a standalone .NET Core console app. This is mainly to show that as long as you have the necessary information, your code doesn't need to be running under the Bot messaging endpoint. Once you have the information from the Bot messaging endpoint, the proactive messaging code can run from any platform e.g. from an Azure Function.

If you have a look at the Bot Framework code samples published by Microsoft, they all use code which is running under the messaging endpoint. This initially led me to believe that even for proactive messaging, the code should live under the same endpoint. But as we will see in this post, that is not the case.

What are the prerequisites?

As mentioned before, our bot will need to be installed in a Team first. This will allow the bot messaging endpoint to receive the required values from Teams and send it to our proactive messaging code. If the bot is not installed in the Team, you will get a "Forbidden: The bot is not part of the conversation roster" error.

Base URL (serviceUrl)

This is the Url to which our proactive messaging code should send all the requests. This Url is sent by Teams in the Bot payload in the turnContext.Activity.serviceUrl property. For all intents and purposes this url will remain constant but after having a discussion with Microsoft, they have recommended that this url might change (very rarely) and our bot should have the logic for updating the stored base url periodically from the payload sent to the bot. More about the Base Url here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/rest-api/bot-framework-rest-connector-api-reference?view=azure-bot-service-4.0#base-uri

Internal Team Id

This is the internal team id which is not the same as the Office 365 Group Id. The internal team id is in the following format: 19:bf2b184e7cbb4f9f9ca1b47f755cd943@thread.skype

You can get the internal team id from the Bot payload in the channelData.team.id property. You can also get this id through the Microsoft Graph API: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/team?view=graph-rest-1.0#properties

Channel Id

If we want our bot to post to a specific channel in a Team, then we will need the channel id as well. The format for the channel id is exactly the same as the internal team id. Also, you can get the channel id from the bot payload as well as the Microsoft Graph api: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/channel?view=graph-rest-1.0#properties

Internal Teams User Id

This would only be needed if you want to send a proactive personal message to a specific user. For all users in a team, Teams maintains an encoded user id so that only bots installed in a team are able to message users. To get this user id, our bot needs to call the conversations/{conversationId}/members REST API endpoint. Fortunately for us the Bot Framework wraps this call in a handy SDK method as shown in the third code sample below.

So once we have all the required values from the Bot messaging endpoint, we are able to send proactive messages. For this sample code, I am using the Microsoft.Bot.Builder v4.7.2

1) Post a proactive message in a Teams channel

(click to zoom)

2) Post a proactive message in a Teams channel and mention a user in it

(click to zoom)

3) Post a proactive personal message to a user

(click to zoom)

Hope you found the post useful!

Office 365 CLI: Grant admin consent to specific scopes using Microsoft identity platform (AAD v2)

The Office 365 CLI is great tool for a variety of scenarios. Specifically, I find it super useful for CI/CD and automation. Since there is no official Microsoft Graph Azure DevOps task yet, the Office 365 CLI comes to the rescue when we want to make a call to the Graph from an Azure DevOps pipeline. Most recently, I was using it to deploy a Teams app when I noticed something interesting.

As I was calling the Office CLI from an automated script, I could not use the default deviceCode flow to login as there was no user interaction possible. So the other options were to use the username/password flow or use a custom certificate. I chose the former as it was very convenient and I could store the password securely in a Azure DevOps secret variable.

Now before using the Office CLI on a tenant, we need to consent to the AAD multi-tenant app used internally for authenticating to Office 356 services. This app is called "PnP Office 365 Management Shell" and the consent process is also described in the docs here: https://pnp.github.io/office365-cli/user-guide/connecting-office-365/

If this consent hasn't happened yet, we get the following error:

Error: AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e' named 'PnP Office 365 Management Shell'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.

If we go ahead with the default consent experience, we are presented with this screen where the CLI AAD app requests a large number of permissions on the tenant:

Now in my case, I did not need all the scopes the CLI was requesting. I only needed AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All to deploy my Teams app.

So that got me thinking, one of the benefits of using the Microsoft identity platform (also called AAD v2) is that apps can request consent to specific scopes:

With the Microsoft identity platform endpoint, you can ignore the static permissions defined in the app registration information in the Azure portal and request permissions incrementally instead, which means asking for a bare minimum set of permissions upfront and growing more over time as the customer uses additional app features. To do so, you can specify the scopes your app needs at any time by including the new scopes in the scope parameter when requesting an access token - without the need to pre-define them in the application registration information.

So armed with this knowledge, I tested whether I could request (and grant) only AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All to the PnP Office 365 Management Shell app.

Turns out it is indeed possible by going to this URL in a browser as an admin:

You will notice that in the client_id param, we are specifying the client id of the PnP Office 365 Management Shell app and in the scope param, we are only requesting the needed scope i.e. AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All

This time, we are presented with a significantly reduced scopes for consent. Notice only the "Read and write to all app catalogs" permission is present along with the couple of default permissions.

After granting the consent and then navigating to Azure AD -> Enterprise Applications -> All applications ->  PnP Office 365 Management Shell -> Permissions, you will see that only the requested scope was granted:

This way, you can only request the scopes you need and also include multiple scopes by separating them with a space

Automating the consent:

If you are like me and would like to automate the consent process as well, that is possible by using the Azure CLI:

00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 is the Application ID of the Microsoft Graph resource in AAD. This will be the same for all tenants.

Hope you found the post useful!

SPFx Teams tab: Use react hooks to dynamically handle theme changes

When developing a custom Teams tab with the SharePoint Framework, we want to make sure that the SPFx custom tab (web part) is styled according to the current selected theme.

Also, if the user switches the theme (e.g. from default to dark), we want to make sure that the styling of our SPFx web part also changes without the user having to reload the tab.

Let's see how we can do this. In this post, depending on the Teams theme, we will dynamically add a CSS class to our top level react component. And when the theme changes, we will change this class as well. That will be the scope of this post without going into further details of Styling/CSS.

Also, since I have been exploring React hooks recently, we will be using them in the demo code.

The very first thing we need to do is to make sure that our SPFx tab loads with the currently selected theme when the tab loads for the first time.. This can be achieved with the teamsJS sdk bundled with SPFx:

The theme property will either have the values "default", "dark" or "contrast" (at the time of writing this post). Depending on this property, we can add a CSS class to the top level container of our web part.

Now the important part. When the user updates the theme, we want to fire an event which can be used to set the new theme in our tab. Luckily the teamsJS sdk provides us with a function which can be used to register this event handler:


With this, we are able to capture the theme update dynamically and update our component state. Next, we also want to change the CSS class of the top container when the theme changes. We will do this by using the useEffect hook again and setting the class depending on the selected theme.

This hook takes in the themeState as a dependency which means that it will run anytime themeState changes. We will use it to update the styleState.

I could have been a bit more clever here and simply updated the class in the registerOnThemeChangeHandler function itself. But I wanted to keep the themeState and styleState separate to have them loosely coupled and also to play around with hooks a bit more ;)

Here is the complete code for the React Functional component:

Hope you found the post useful! As always, the code for this post is available on GitHub: https://github.com/vman/spfx-teams-theme-hooks

Create a custom React hook to mimic class component's setState behaviour

I have been playing around with react hooks recently, and slowly wrapping my head around how they work. Hooks are a great way to create reusable functionality, but there are some instances where I think class components fared better. Let's talk about one such scenario, and also how to get around it when using hooks.

When working with react state in a class component, if we wanted to update a specific property on the state object, all we had to do was call the setState method and pass in an object containing only the updated property and value. The resultant state would be the previous state merged with the new property value.

It works a bit differently with hooks. When using the default useState hook, the new object passed in entirely replaces the previous state. So all the properties in the previous state are overwritten. So every time you want to update a state object, the onus is on the developer to keep track of the previous state and update the new state based on that. Here is how this behaviour manifests in code:

As you can see in the code the value of the FirstName property is lost when we update the LastName property. 

There is a way to set the state based on previous state by using the functional update pattern: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#functional-updates

But that means that every time we used to just use this.setState in class components, we now have to use

setState(prevState => {
  return {...prevState, ...updatedValues};

This would be additional overhead for us devs which I wanted to check if we could avoid.

Fortunately with the reusable nature of hooks, we can simply create a custom hook which mimics the class components setState behaviour and merges the new state with the previous state. And we can use this custom hook any time we want to merge the state.

Here is how the previous code would look when using our custom hook:

The only change in code is that we have replaced react's useState with our custom useCustomState. This gives us back the ability to merge state objects instead of replacing them. (I have also changed the variable names from state and setState to customState and setCustomState respectively to make it explicit that we are using the custom hook. But you can just as well keep using the state and setState names)

So how does our custom hook work? It's built as a wrapper on top of the useState hook's functional update pattern. Any time a state object is passed to the setCustomState function, it internally uses the functional update pattern and merges the new state with the previous state. Let's have a look at the code:

This automates the overhead of using the functional pattern. It is no longer the the developers responsibility, and instead, is done by the custom hook.

But wait, what if there is a scenario where a new state depends on the previous state? Our custom hook does not yet expose a way for the developer to update the state based on the previous state. Let's fix that. We can update our hook to add a method which accepts a function. This function will receive the previous state from react.  

And consuming the new hook can be done by passing in a function updater: 

Hope that helps! For the sake of completeness here is the full code for our custom hook:

Full solution including the custom hook and the consuming code can be found here: https://github.com/vman/spfx-react-hooks-customstate

This post generated some good discussion on twitter with Yannick Plenevaux regarding the ideal cases when to use this approach as opposed to other approaches of state management like using the useState or useReducer hooks. Have a look here: https://twitter.com/yp_code/status/1265244244077416448 

Using the Microsoft Search API (preview) to query SharePoint content

The new Microsoft Search API (preview) has been available in the Graph beta endpoint for a while now. If you haven't had a chance to look at the API yet, the docs explain it quite nicely:

"The Microsoft Search API provides one unified search endpoint that you can use to query data in the Microsoft cloud - messages and events in Outlook mailboxes, and files on OneDrive and SharePoint - that Microsoft Search already indexes."

And it's also currently planned that Microsoft Teams search will also be transitioned to use Microsoft Search in the future: https://twitter.com/williambaer/status/1273644094904872960

Considering everything, it looks like Microsoft Search will play an important role in Microsoft 365 solutions going forward. Given this, I decided to check out the Graph API .NET SDK late last year to try and search SharePoint files. But quickly stumbled on a roadblock which did not allow the API to work with the SDK: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-dotnet/issues/43 

Fortunately, the issue was fixed recently and we are able to use the .NET Graph SDK for testing. 

The code:

Let's see how can we search SharePoint Online content using the new Microsoft Search API:

For this code to work, you will need the Microsoft.Graph.Beta nuget package:

We are going to use the KQL sytax with the Microsoft Graph Search API to query SharePoint Modern pages in a tenant. Once the query completes, we will display the page name and page url in the console:


Although it works great, there are a few considerations currently:

  • The API only works with delegated access for now i.e. with a user context. Application permissions are not supported.
  • When searching SharePoint Online content, we are not able to specify fields to return in the result. Only a default set of fields can be returned.
  • There is no custom sorting available as of now when it comes to SharePoint content. The content is sorted by default by relevance.

Hope you found this post useful and helps you get started with the Microsoft Search API. To read up more on the Microsoft Search API in Graph, have a look here:

Using .NET Standard CSOM and MSAL.NET for App-Only auth in SharePoint Online

So after long last, the .NET Standard version of SharePoint Online CSOM was released yesterday! The official announcement can be found here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blogs/net-standard-version-of-sharepoint-online-csom-apis/

One of the key differences compared to the .NET Framework CSOM was that the authentication is completely independent of CSOM library now. Previously, there were native classes like SharePointOnlineCredentials which were used for auth, but they have been removed now.

Since .NET Standard CSOM now uses OAuth for authentication, it's up to the developer to get an access token and pass it along with the call to SharePoint Online. The CSOM library does not care how the access token was fetched. 

So in this post,let's have a look at getting an Application authentication (aka App-Only) access token using MSAL.NET and use it with the new .NET Standard CSOM to get data from SharePoint Online.

When making app-only calls to SharePoint Online, we can either use an Azure AD app registration (with the Client Certificate) or we can use SharePoint App-Only authentication created via the AppRegNew.aspx and AppInv.aspx pages. (There are other workarounds available but that would be out of scope for this post) I go into more details about this in my previous post: Working with Application Permissions (App-Only Auth) in SharePoint Online and the Microsoft Graph

The recommended approach is to go with an Azure AD App Registration and the Client Certificate approach so that is what we will be using. To do that, first we will need to create an App Registration in the Azure AD portal and configure it with the Certificate, SPO API permissions etc. Here is a detailed walk-through on this in the Microsoft docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/security-apponly-azuread 

Let's have a look at a few important bits of my Azure AD app registration:

The certificate:

The consented SharePoint permissions:

Once the Azure AD App Registration is configured correctly, we can start looking at the code. 

We will be using a .NET Core 3.1 Console app project for this along with the following nuget packages:

And finally, here is the code which uses MSAL.NET to get the access token and attaches it to the .NET Standard CSOM requests going to SharePoint:

Note: Make sure that you are using the right way to access the certificate as per your scenario. Here, for demo purposes, I have installed the certificate to my local machine and I am accessing it from there. In production scenarios, it's recommended to store the certificate in Azure Key Vault. More details here

And when I run the code, I am able to get the title of my SharePoint site back:

Hope you found this post useful! I am very glad .NET CSOM Standard is finally available and we are able to use it .NET Core projects going forward. This is going to make things so much easier!

Microsoft Teams Bot Framework: Mention a user in an Adaptive Card

Microsoft Teams announced support for Adaptive Cards 1.2 recently. With that, a nifty feature to allow mentioning users in Adaptive Cards posted in Teams was also introduced. This allows us the ability to send a notification to the user and can draw their attention towards the card.

User gets a notification of the mention:

(click to zoom)

Other users are able to contact the user directly from the mention in the card:

(click to zoom)

In the docs, there is a great example of the JSON we need to send to Teams to post the card containing the mention. So in this post, lets see how we can do this when using the Bot Framework .NET Core SDK:

For this code to work, we will need the following Nuget packages:

Quick note: I noticed that the user mentioned is only notified when the Adaptive card is first created. If you update the same adaptive card later and mention the same user again, they are not notified. This is probably for the best as the Adaptive card might be updated several times and if you got a notification every time, it might be really annoying to the user.

Hope you found this post useful!

Microsoft Teams messaging extensions using SPFx: Getting the message data with Microsoft Graph


With SPFx 1.11, one of the things possible now is that SharePoint Framework web parts can be exposed as Microsoft Teams messaging extensions. So what are messaging extensions exactly? According to the Teams docs:

"Messaging extensions allow users to interact with your web service through buttons and forms in the Microsoft Teams client. They can search, or initiate actions, in an external system from the compose message area, the command box, or directly from a message. You can then send the results of that interaction back to the Microsoft Teams client, typically in the form of a richly formatted card."


As a Microsoft 365 Developer, messaging extensions are a great way to invoke custom code right in the Teams client. This opens up the possibility of users interacting with your application right in the context of their conversations without having to leave Teams.

The SPFx docs give a nice overview of how to setup web parts so that they are exposed as compose  extensions. This enables the custom SPFx webpart to be invoked from the "Compose new message" box in Teams: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/build-for-teams-expose-webparts-teams#expose-web-part-as-microsoft-teams-messaging-extension 

In this post, we are going to be talking about SPFx webparts being hosted in task modules which show up in "message actions" i.e. invoking custom code on messages which are already posted in Teams. This could be either in channels or in personal or group chats.

(click to zoom)

Now behind the scenes, when a message action is invoked on a message, we want to get the message context passed to our SharePoint Framework web part. By message context, I mean properties like teams id and channel id in which the action was invoked. If the message action was invoked in a personal chat or a group chat, then we need to know the chat id instead. And finally, we need the data about the message itself e.g. message id, message body, who posted the message etc. so that we can then send the information to our application right from the SPFx webpart.

Now if we were using the Bot Framework to power our message action (and task module), then getting these properties is straightforward as every time the message action is invoked, the Bot Framework sends this information to our messaging endpoint: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/messaging-extensions/how-to/action-commands/create-task-module?tabs=json#example-fetchtask-request

When using SharePoint Framework however, we have to take a longer route. When the message action would be invoked on a Teams message: Although we get the context information like team id, channel id and chat id, all we will get about the message itself is just the id. No other data about the message like the body, user etc will be available. Getting all these other details would be up to us. Let's see how we do that:

Teams app manifest

First, to get the SPFx powered message action working, we need to configure it in the Teams manifest.

Notice that the fetchTask property is set to false. This makes the task module defined in the manifest to be displayed. (If fetchTask is set to true, the Teams will go to the Bot messaging endpoint to get the task module dynamically)

Also notice that the url for a SharePoint Framework Task module is slightly different compared to a Teams tab

SPFx and Microsoft Graph:

Although we won't have the message data directly provided to us in SPFx, we would have all the context information necessary to fetch the data. As part of the microsoftTeams context object, we will have the teamId, channelId, chatId and the parentMessage. We can then use these details along with the Microsoft Graph to get the message details:

Before we go through the code, make sure that the SPFx solution has the Chat.Read permissions on the Microsoft Graph configured in the package-solution.json file. This will allow us to read the Teams messages on behalf of the currently logged in user

And finally, here is the SPFx code to get the message details on which the message action was invoked:

Hope you found the post useful! Here is the SPFx webpart code on GitHub: https://github.com/vman/spfx-teams-message-action


This approach currently works with Teams messages in personal chats, group chats and top level messages in Teams channels. There seems to be a gap right now where this approach does not work for replies posted to top level teams messages. I have opened up a GitHub issue about this and will post a follow up soon. https://github.com/OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-library-js/issues/398 

Microsoft 365 multi-tenant apps: Working with application permissions in Microsoft Graph


Creating multi-tenant (SaaS) apps in Microsoft 365 has been possible for a while now. Azure AD multi tenant apps allow us to host our custom applications in an Azure AD/M365 "home" tenant while enabling the apps to also have access to resources hosted in other tenants. To know more about multi-tenant apps, head over to the Microsoft docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-in/azure/active-directory/develop/single-and-multi-tenant-apps

Hosting applications in a home tenant as SaaS has a lot of advantages particularly for ISVs when it comes to product based applications. Users are able to consume the apps directly by signing into them instead of the conventional way of an admin having to deploy the product to the customer tenant first. It makes life easy for the admins as well as they don't have to go through complex deployment scripts and instructions. Moreover, after the application is deployed, new features and bug fixes can be rolled out to the application "on the fly" as opposed to releasing feature packs and hotfixes which again have to be installed manually.

So in this post, we are going to have a look at using the Microsoft Graph API in such apps configured to be multi tenant.

(Multi tenant apps also allow users with personal Microsoft accounts to sign into them but that is a topic for another day! Also, in this post we will only focus on the application permissions i.e. granting permissions to applications without a user context)

Configure an app to be a multi-tenant in the home tenant's Azure AD

1) When creating a multitenant app registration, make sure that the "Accounts in any organizational directory" is selected. Also, we need to add a redirect url as this will be the url the admin will be redirected to after successfully granting consent to our application. Ideally, this would be the landing page of your application but in the screenshot I am just using the AAD home as an example:

2) Assign required permissions. In this case, we are going to demo the code to get all the Microsoft 365 Groups on the tenant and also the root SharePoint Online site, so selecting the relevant permissions here:

3) Create a client secret and record it along with the client id. We will need this later in our code.

Granting consent to a multi tenant app in other "consumer" tenant

Next, let's have a look at how the multi tenant app hosted in it's home tenant can be granted permission to access resources in other tenants. 

What we will have to do is to construct a url for admin consent which would be unique to our application. An Azure AD admin of the other tenant will need to navigate to the url and then consent to granting the permissions to our app on the tenant. The Azure AD url will have the following structure:

In the link above, replace the client id with the client id of your multi tenant Azure AD app. Also, notice that we are using the /.default static scope which means that all permissions configured in the app will be requested for consent. 

When the admin navigates to this url, they will see the consent prompt:

Once the consent is granted, the multitenant app will have permissions to access the resources on the other tenant. This can be checked by going to:

Azure Active Directory > Enterprise Applications > All applications and searching for our app there.

This confirms that the multi tenant app has permissions on this tenant. Also this process can be repeated on any number of Azure AD/M365 tenants.

Use the Microsoft Graph API to get Microsoft 365 data from the consumer tenant

With everything setup and also the admin consent granted, let's have a look at the Microsoft Graph code to get data from the consumer tenant.

In this code, I am using the .NET SDK for Microsoft Graph found on nuget here:


And the new preview version of Microsoft.Graph.Auth found here:


And finally here is the code to get all the Microsoft 365 Groups and the SharePoint root site url of the consumer tenant. For the sake of simplicity, I am using a .NET Core console application:

And we are able to get the data from the consumer tenant back:

Thanks for reading! Hope this helps.

Building a Microsoft Teams bot for AppSource: Posting an Adaptive Card carousel as a welcome message

In November 2020, I was happy to release my side project "Snooze Bot" as a free app on the Microsoft Teams store: https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/office/WA200002297 

I had been working on it for a few weeks. The fact that all of us were under lockdown gave me some extra time in the evenings and weekends to focus on learning the Microsoft Teams platform and create an app on it which addressed a gap which I noticed in my day to day use. 

We all get a lot of Teams messages daily and need a way to manage them or come back to them at a later time. Snooze bot helps us do exactly that. It lets us Snooze message which we want to deal with later. When a message is snoozed, we get an option to select the duration after which Snooze Bot should remind us about the message. When the time arrives, the bot will send you personal message in teams reminding about the snoozed message.

If you haven't checked out Snooze Bot yet, feel free to install it and give it a try. I am happy to hear any feedback and potential improvements. 

One of my goals when creating the app was to learn about the Microsoft Teams developer platform and also blog about the interesting things I came across. So in this series of posts, let's outline some Microsoft Teams development concepts which I found really useful. The first one being posting an Adaptive Card carousel as a welcome message when the bot is added by the user.

It's always recommended as a good practice to send a welcome message when the user adds the bot. According to the Microsoft docs: 

In personal contexts, welcome messages set your bot's tone. The message includes a greeting, what the bot can do, and some suggestions for how to interact (for example, “Try asking me about …”). If possible, these suggestions should return stored responses without having to sign in.

Also, sending the welcome message one of the requirements before the app is accepted in AppSource by the validation team.

So we can send a simple chat message from the bot to the user as a welcome message. So why go for an Adaptive Card carousel? This is because adding too much information in a single message can get overwhelming for the user and they might be tempted to just skip it. Also if your bot has a lot of functionality you need a way to efficiently present that information to the user. This is where carousels created by Adaptive Cards some into play:  

So let's have a look at the code which helps us send the welcome message in Snooze Bot

The Adaptive Card json:

First, we need to define the Adaptive cards which will show up in the welcome message. I am storing mine as json files in my solution. The cards contain helpful text and also links to images which show the functionality of Snooze Bot

The Bot:

Next, the actual bot code itself. Since I am using .NET Core for this bot we will need the Adaptive cards nuget package:

And here is the code where we do the following things:

1) Capture the OnMembersAddedAsync event from the Bot Framework
2) Get the Adaptive cards from the json files 
3) Insert the adaptive cards into a Bot Framework carousel and send it to the user

And that's it. Whenever a user will download and install the app, the welcome message will be sent to them introducing your bot and it's funtionality. Hope you found the post useful!

Working with Adaptive Card Universal Actions in a Microsoft Teams Bot


Universal Actions for Adaptive cards are a mechanism to handle user interactions uniformly no matter where the user is accessing the Adaptive Card from. It allows Bot developers to send the same Adaptive Cards to Microsoft Teams, Outlook etc. without having to write redundant client specific code. As the Microsoft docs state:

Universal Actions for Adaptive Cards evolved from developer feedback that even though layout and rendering for Adaptive Cards was universal, action handling was not. Even if a developer wanted to send the same card to different places, they have to handle actions differently. Universal Actions for Adaptive Cards brings the bot as the common backend for handling actions. 


In addition to these user interactions, there are couple of really useful features delivered as part of Universal Actions. They are "User Specific Views" and "Up to date cards"

User specific views:

By using user specific views, different users see different views on the card depending on their identity and the actions they have taken. This was not the case earlier when all users who viewed an Adaptive Card posted in a Teams channel saw the same exact card. Lets see a quick example:

First lets talk about the refresh property. The property contains two important values: action and userIds. When an adaptive card containing a refresh property will load, first the Teams platform will check if the current user viewing the Adaptive Card is present in the userIds property. If they are, then an action will be sent to the bot containing the verb mentioned in the verb property. We will have to write Bot Framework code which handles this call from the Teams platform. As a response to this call, we can return a new adaptive card which will only be visible to the current user. 

All other users viewing the Adaptive card who are not part of the userIds property will keep seeing a shared common view of the base card. 

Up to date cards:

With up to date cards, we can use the Bot Framework message update functionality to update the user specific views in adaptive cards on the fly. This is so that the cards are updated to their latest state without the user having to reload the card.   

Now that we have covered the different moving parts, let's see how we can put all of this together in a code sample for a approving an asset in a Teams channel:

1) A user starts the approval process by sending a command to the bot:

The user starting the approval request is the "Owner" of this asset. When the owner sends an approval request, an adaptive card with a "Approve" button will be shown to everyone in the Team who is not the owner. Where as, the owner will see a view on the card which contains a list of users who have approved the request.

2) Approving the asset and refreshing the Adaptive Card with latest state: 

Any user in the team can click on the approve button to approve the asset. Once they approve, they will be shown a different card.

Owner will always see who approved the card. This will be kept up to date using the message edit mechanism without the need to manually reload the card.

Now we come to the crux of the blog post. Whenever a user will click on the "Approve" button, or and Adaptive Card will load which contains a refresh property with the current user's userId, an adaptiveCard/action request will be sent to our bot. The request will contain information on the action such as the verb and the context in which the action occurred. 

Out bot framework code will have to respond with the correct card depending on the action. 

In the above code, when the approveClicked action occurs, we add the user approving the asset to our persistent storage and return a card to them thanking them for the approval.

When the refreshCard action occurs, it means that a user listed in the userIds property of a card is trying to view the card. So based on the identity of the user, we will return the correct card. This is used to show the owner of the card a list of users who have approved it.

Hope you found the post useful!

Full code sample of this blog post available on GitHub: https://github.com/vman/Universal.Actions

Working with MSAL and multiple Azure AD accounts in a React SPA


I came across an interesting scenario recently: I was working with a React SPA which used Azure AD for authenticating users, and it needed to work with multiple accounts logged in simultaneously. Specifically, we were building an Azure AD multi tenant application which needed to login to multiple M365 and Azure tenants and allow the user to manage all tenants at the same time.

The good thing was that MSAL v2 does support working with multiple accounts at the same time. So in this post, let's see how we are able to do that in a React SPA with MSAL js.

Before looking at the code, we would need to create a multi tenant Azure AD app which would be used to sign in to the different tenants. Step by step instructions can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/tutorial-v2-javascript-spa#register-your-application

Once this is in place, we can start looking at the code itself. I have take the MSAL React tutorial as the starting point for this code and modified it to work with multiple accounts. If you want to build it from scratch, this would be a good starting point: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/tutorial-v2-react

The very first thing we would need is to setup the configuration for our app: 
You will notice the authority is set to the /organizations end point. This is because our app is a multi-tenant app which would be used to login to different tenants.

With the config, we will now initiate a PublicClientApplication in the index.tsx file:

Now lets get to the most important App.tsx file: 

There are multiple things happening here. Let's unpack them one by one. 

First, we are using the MSAL react useMsalAuthentication hook to setup the authentication and get the login method which we will use later.

What is also important is the prompt: 'select_account' property in the request which would help us login with a new account when we are already signed in with one account.

The AuthenticatedTemplate and UnauthenticatedTemplate MSAL react components help us display different views when at least one user is logged in or no user is logged in respectively.

Next, lets look at the ProfileContent.tsx component:

Based on the homeId of passed in to this component as a property, we are using the PublicClientApplication.acquireTokenSilent method to first get the access token of the relevant user. 

Once the accessToken is fetched, we are making a call to the Microsoft Graph to get the basic details of the user. We are using the callMsGraph function for this.

The ProfileData component takes in all properties fetched from the graph and displays it.

The handleLogout function uses the PublicClientApplication.logoutRedirect function to log out the specific user.

So after everything is in place, we would be able to work with multiple users logged in simultaneously at the same time.

Hope this helps! 

As always, the code for this post can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/vman/ts-msal-react-tutorial

Building a Microsoft Teams Bot: Deep linking to a Teams message from an Adaptive Card button


This is the second article in my "Building a Microsoft Teams Bot" series. In this series, I am planning to write down some interesting things I came across while creating a Microsoft Teams Bot app which is now available on AppSource: https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/office/WA200002297

Click here to see the previous article in the series: Building a Microsoft Teams Bot: Posting an Adaptive Card carousel as a welcome message

Todays article is around how to create deep links to teams messages from Adaptive cards. This can be useful in scenarios when you want to send users to a specific Teams chat message when they click on an Adaptive Card button:

If you are building the deep link manually, it can be grabbed from the "Copy link" button from the ellipsis menu in a Teams message:

Deep links to personal chats are in a different format compared to channel messages.
For Teams messages, the deep link format is:


For personal chats, the deep link format is:


For bots and messaging extensions, this deep link can be built from parts of the payload sent to the Bot from the Teams platform when the bot is invoked:

Once you have the desired deep link, the next step is to assign it as the URI to an Adaptive Card button:

And that's it! Now you can easily add buttons to your adaptive cards which take the user to specific messages in Teams personal chats or channels. 

Hope this was helpful!

Interactively authenticate Microsoft Graph .NET SDK with Azure Identity library


In this post, we will have a look at the new recommended way of using the Azure Identity library to authenticate to the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK.

Specifically, we will have a look at Interactive browser based authentication where the user would enter their credentials and the Azure Identity library will fetch the access token based on them.

Before going through the code, let us check out the Azure AD App registration which would be used to authenticate to the Graph API

Since we are going to authenticate from a .NET Desktop console application, we will select Desktop as a platform and add the default redirect URIs. In addition, we will also add http://localhost to the list.

The supported account types can be as per your requirements. I have selected the app to be multi tenant.

Select the Allow public client flows to "Yes":  

Select the needed scopes:

Once all of this in place, we can use the following code to open a browser window and authenticate to the Microsoft Graph once the user enters their credentials:

If this is the first time logging into this tenant, you will need to grant permissions to the app:

Once the authentication happens, you will see a similar message in the browser:

and our console window logs the current access token along with the expiry time and also uses the Graph SDK to get the display name of the current user:

Hope that helps!
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